Watch this space for shows later in 2025
Friday 1st November 6.30 pm
Live In Store at Davids Music, Letchworth, SG6 3DE
Saturday 2nd November 8 pm
Betsey Trotwood Upstairs, EC1R 3BL London
With powerful drums/bass/guitar trio delving into Latvian folk rhythms - Montague Armstrong
Age 18 and over
Thursday 7th November 7 pm £10/£8 concession
Morocco Bound Bookshop, Bermondsey, London. SE13HB
Tickets here
Friday Nov 22nd 6.30 pm
Right To Roam Festival
Fish Factory Arts, Penryn, Cornwall
Solo set. On the bill with Julian Gaskell & his Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, Orion Morris, Nick Woolgrove & Harvey Gorst.
Friday 11th October 7.30 pm
St Mary's Church, Penzance
Celebrating the release of Lethowsow on CD and
vinyl - a solo gig played on the lush Bechstein
grand piano at Penzance's mighty church
over-looking the sea.
With St Just acapella group Meadowlarks and Hannah Bullock (shimmering guitar songs), who will pay with Kath Buckler (cello, drum)
All proceeds to the church which has been so supportive of Kelsey's music and recording.
Ticket link coming!
Sat 19th October 7.30 pm
Praa Sands Community Centre,
Pengersick lane, Praa Sands, TR20 9RB, Cornwall.
Kelsey will play with Lethowsow Collective featuring Greg Dyer on Drums and Treve Nicol on bass in this warm, atmospheric community venue.
Online Tickets here
Or from Sisu cafe, Praa Sands (cash only) or on the door.
Sat 21st September 2.30 pm
Music and Philosophy Festival
Kenwood House, Hampstead, London.
An amazing gathering of extraordinary
minds and ideas, the best possible place
to refresh your view of the world and find
like-minded souls.
Monday 29th July 7.30pm GREEN NOTE, London
Album Launch (digital release)
Tickets £10 London, NW1 7AN
Kelsey solo plusThe Happy Couple
Sunday 28th July 2.30 pm Copleston Centre
Album Launch (digital release)
Tickets £10
Kelsey Michael solo plus The Happy Couple
Friday 26th July 7.30 pm THE PIG, Hastings
37 White Rock, Hastings TN34 1JL
Solo Set supporting Montague Armstrong and Steve Finnerty of Alabama 3.
Tues 23rd July 7.30 pm
Penlee Park Theatre, Penzance, TR18 4HE
Lethowsow album launch (digital release).
With Lethowsow Collective, special guest singers and harpist Alice Wonder. Beautiful woodland stage in the park.
Sat 15th June
St Just Miners Chapel
Solo set on bill with Barbed Choir, La Roulotte
Benefit to save the Chapel.
St Just TR19 7HT